Lincoln High School - Class of 1956

22nd & J Sts - Lincoln, NE

Thomas Bainbridge  
Thomas A Bainbridge
Married to Dianne K. Kuyper Bainbridge for 42 years
Children: Todd Bainbridge, 39, Omaha, Nebraska; Two Grandchildren
WORK: First job, US Air Force, 33 years military, B-52 navigator, aircraft maintenance, inspector general team chief, deputy inspector general, retired as colonel. 14 years part-time consultant for research firm. Continue to work in community as member of Papillion Lion's Club and Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Retired from military in 1990 and civilian in 2004
Enjoys Woodworking, Stained Glass, Golf, Travel, Construction, Grandchildren, Helping friends.
Significant Events: Marriage / Children / Grandchildren
World Events: Vietnam War
CHANGES: Less Hair
MISSES: Security, Honesty, Trust