Lincoln High School - Class of 1956

22nd & J Sts - Lincoln, NE

Ann (Warren) Allen  
Ann D (Warren) Allen
Married for 49 years to Jim Allen, LHS Class of 1953
Children: James Warren Allen, 47, Kansas City, Joseph Todd Allen, 45, Hong Kong, Jonathan David Allen, 42, Lincoln, Nebraska, Jeffrey Scott Allen, 40, Lincoln, Nebraska. Two Grandchildren. James Eric Allen and Laura Elizabeth Allen (our first girl)
WORK: First job after High School and College was as Secretary to the General Secretary of Omaha YMCA Later, Bookkeeper (part time) for architectural firm. I started working after the children were all in school, and later worked full time until retirement in 1999.
Continue to work only in local volunteer work, church service, etc.
Interests: Enjoy cooking, collecting cookbooks, etc. Had a part-time catering business for several years. I like outdoor activities, including golf, biking, gardening. Have participated in aerobic classes for over 20 years. Love to read. We enjoy traveling, have visited Great Britain, Hong Kong, Alaska, Hawaii and all over USA.
Life Changes: In High School I was very shy, I've changed a bit! I still go by the name "Cookie"
MISSES: I miss the music of the 50's.
REFLECTIONS: Nothing very profound! Really do believe in enjoying each day, and am so thankful for a great family, good friends, and good health.