Lincoln High School - Class of 1956

22nd & J Sts - Lincoln, NE

Wendy (Allen) Haylett  
Frances Ann (Allen) Haylett
Widowed in June, 2006.
Children: Kimberly Shaw, 43, Seattle, WA
WORK: First job, Braniff Airways - associated with Braniff for 22 years; Travel Agent, Administrator for Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Division, KU Medical Center. Retired in 2000.
INTERESTS: Music, travel, art, opera. Due to my relationship with an airline, I have been fortunate to have traveled over most of our world, missing India, and plan to visit this year. This has been combined with collecting art and attending operas at major cities over the world.
Significant Events: Dated Elvis when he was in basic training in Texas.
MISSES (from the '50s) Manners