Lincoln High School - Class of 1956

22nd & J Sts - Lincoln, NE

Dick Yogi Hergenrader  

Married to Judy for 28 years.
Children from my previous marriage: Traci, 40; Timothy, 37; Holly, 35. Five grandchildren: Jessica (16), Sarah (13), Chrissy (9), Tanner (4) and India Grace (9 mos.).
WORK: Worked for DuPont for 31 years. First job, working in the Boston Red Sox baseball farm team (triple A). Retired.Moved to the Channel Islands below Santa Barbara in 1995 and have a small front yard at the beach which keeps me very busy with my roses.Besides keeping the roses the talk of the neighborhood, I play a lot of golf at a local club called Spanish Hills.We have been members there since they opened in 1991 and both my wife and I enjoy the many couples we have met during the years and the competitiveness of the game.
MISSES: The old cars, the ones my dad had!
Sorry we can't make the "event".last one we went to was the 40th and I got my first and only hole-in-one, playing with Dick Youngscap!